Bhakti Yoga Club, Kharadi

leader's voice

Under the inspiration and guidance of HG Radheshyam Prabhu (President, ISKCON Pune), Leader’s Voice was formed in 2018 at Kharadi with an objective to train corporates and students in the application of philosophy, values and principles in their personal life.

Through well designed courses, seminars and exciting activities,  Leader’s VOICE offers the right attitude for youth to deal with workplace, situations and people. Catch up with life’s race with a calm, cool and creative mindset and be a Leader.


Researches indicate that employees who have a purpose and meaning in their lives, can add meaning to their work in return. This results in an improved morale and productivity of employees. Leader’s Voice offers seminars to provide contemporary solutions based on timeless wisdom to Individuals and to Companies through a distinguished panel of speakers.

The power of habits

We make our habits and then habits make us. Learn what impels one to go on with a bad habit? How to deal with the Conscious & Subconscious Mind. The tug-of-war between mind and intelligence to overcome habits.

Bring out the Angel within you

Do you know that there is a Good dog and a Bad dog within us? What makes something Divine and Demoniac. Art of strengthening our Will Power to make the wise Choice.

The Art of Self Management

Do you manage with hands, heads or hearts? Learn lifestyle management and four human needs to feel complete. Art of bringing about a change in thinking, attitude and behaviour… because, private victory precedes public victory.

Overcoming Inferiority Complex

Learn the art of rising above the weakness of insecurity, tackle life’s situations with abundance mentality. Identify your unique potential while distinguishing Self-esteem from False Pride.

Art of thinking win-win

Learn Dependence, Independence and Interdependence and concept of Situational Leadership. Learn win-win approach as opposed to win-lose, lose-win and lose-lose.

Art of winning trust of team

Learn five levels of Leaders and three types of Leadership styles. How to win trust of the team in a natural and non-threatening way.

Art of Smart Work

Are you a PLUS time Manager or a MINUS time Manager? Are you a Day dreamer or Workaholic? Learn to make Proactive Responses with a calm, clear, and creative mindset and succeed in workplace and in life.

Stress to Smile

Understand science of Stress generation to distinguish Threat from Threat percept. Manage stress with twelve practical golden rules with E.S.C.A.P.E.  S.T.R.E.S.S formula.

Cultivating Positive Mental Attitude

Learn surprising effect of mind on Physical body. What are four types of thoughts. What is practical and right attitude towards Work.

what industry leaders say

We found the workshop very effective because the workshop not only highlighted on the common causes & symptoms of stress but the workshop also gave us good insights into what are the effective & simple techniques for managing stress.

Ms. Pramela

Zensar Technologies

The presentation was very scientific and it gave us an insight into how the vedic knowledge is very relevant in modern times more than ever before. I recommend that all corporate people should take advantage of these seminars.

M. Krishna

MD, Concentric Pumps

The seminar we attended on Time Management by ISKCON is one of the best we can say. It helped us to come out from shell of hotel & work in coordination with other people & come to know how to manage time effectively.

Vikas Kapoor

GM, Gordon House

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